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Teenage Pregnancy

While facing the grim realities of teen pregnancy is not pleasant, this is not the picture that has to be painted. Teen mothers are perfectly capable of having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. With the proper nutrition, early prenatal care and good screening for potential problems the majority of these potential problems will not come to light. While some tend to think that you can't teach a teen mother anything about her body or baby, it's really a ridiculous notion.

  1. Teenage Pregnancy Articles
  2. Teenage Pregnancy Prevention
  3. Teenage Pregnancy Mod Sims 4

Many of the teen mothers who take active roles in their care do go on to have healthy babies, despite the other hardships that they will face in their lives. Support from the families and communities is a must for the young, new family to be successful. There are many programs in place to help teen parents learn parenting skills, complete their education, particularly high school, and find meaningful employment or further training and education with the idea of obtaining a better job. The truth is a teen parent will need more support and perhaps time to complete these tasks.

Teenage Pregnancy Articles

Trends in teenage pregnancy. In 2013, the teen pregnancy rate reached a new low. It declined by 63 percent from 1990 to 2013, from 118 to 43 pregnancies per 1,000 females ages 15 to 19—the lowest rate reported since estimates began in 1972. One of the many reasons that teen pregnancy is not a good idea is the issues that arise, including the above-mentioned lack of prenatal care. The reason for the lack of prenatal care is usually delayed pregnancy testing, denial or even fear of telling others about the pregnancy. Teen Pregnancy in the United States. In 2015, a total of 229,715 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years, for a birth rate of 22.3 per 1,000 women in this age group.


Having good childcare that empowers the teen parent rather than forces the teen to abdicate to the paid care provider is a must. Only about half of the females who become pregnant will complete their high school education by the time that they are twenty-two, compared to about ninety percent of the fema.

Teenage Pregnancy Prevention

School-based health centers can play a key role in addressing unplanned teen pregnancy, and failing to provide contraceptive services on-site, for whatever reason, is self-defeating. John abraham in gym wallpaper for mac. How to Avoid a Teenage Pregnancy. Being a teenager can be pretty tough. You're experiencing a lot of changes and figuring out who you want to be. A baby can make the teen years even more complicated.

Teenage Pregnancy Mod Sims 4

Teenage pregnancies, per 1000 adolescents (15-19). Darker colors mean more teenage pregnancies. Teenage pregnancy is a situation which involves female. A teenage is a female between 13 to 19 in age. But sometimes preteens (people under 13) can become as well. The fact that teenagers become pregnant is related to many factors. These are related to the specific situation of the teenager, and the group that she interacts with.