Connection Issue With Sap Gui For Java 7.2 Rev 5 For Mac
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DB:3.28:Connection Issue With Sap Gui For Java 7.2 Rev 5 For Mac Os X dz Hello Sudhakar, it seems the file gets parsed incorrectly ending up with a wrong hostname. SAP GUI for the Java Environment SAP GUI for the Java environment is a unified SAP frontend for multiple platforms. It is based on a platform-independent architecture and Java implementation. It is based on a platform-independent architecture and Java implementation.
Using JavaScript (Mozilla Rhino JavaScript engine) to script SAPGUI (for Java 7.30 rev 2 on OS X 10.10.5). One thing I'm stuck on is figuring out how to send a spacebar keypress after focusing on a combobox element (with.setFocus() ). I need the spacebar keypress sent in order to clear the combobox value. After using userarea.findById to resolve the SAP object and save it to a var. I tried passing an empty string to set the key directly: comboBox.key = '; I've also tried passing a space character to the key. These approaches don't appear to change the element at all. Keys which aren't empty (comboBox.key = 'CB') will work to set other values in the box so I know I have the right element in focus.
I've tried to record the UI interaction in the 'Scripting.' Window but the keypress doesn't appear to be picked up.
Also, when I change the value, during the recording, it just records an empty string as listed above. I've also tried to use the Java bridging capability of the JS engine to do the following: • Pass in an empty Java string • Automate keypress using the keyPress method of but I get a 'org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException: access denied ('java.awt.AWTPermission' 'createRobot')'. The only working option I have right now is using AppleScript to send a spacebar keystroke through 'System Events'. I would like to stay away from AppleScript if I can as I have quite a bit put in on the JS script.

SAP GUI FAQs in General: What do I do in case logon problems occur? Always verify logon problems on a different machine as it sometimes might be a local problem with your workstation.
Quarkxpress 8.0 for sale. Usually you will be able to see a pop up box if you are experiencing a networking error. In the case you get to the first screen, the logon screen, please check with a colleague to log on as this might be a permission problem related only to your user account. A networking error often will give you an error message with the code ‘10054 – connection reset by peer’. This is usually due to a broken network connection. Please verify this on an additional workstation.
If you refer to your network administrator you can run a first basic diagnosis with the SAP tool ‘NIPING’ according to note 500235. What to do if SAP Logon refuses to start? Please run the SAP Logon-Trace.
This trace is only available since release 4.6B. How to start the SAP Logon-Trace? On DOS-prompt type: “start saplogon/trace=3”. These files will be generated: dev_xxxx.log and dev_xxxx.lgd.
How to stop the trace? Close SAP Logon. This trace is also very helpful if insert/delete/change of entries in the Logon is not working. Moreover, if we have to figure out, with which parameters the GUI was started, this trace will help. What should I do if the SAP GUI cannot connect to the SAP system, the response times of the SAP GUI are very bad or the communication between SAP GUI and backend is interrupted? Please run the SAP GUI-trace.